Hot Topics #19 (Feb. 21, 2023)
Molecular optimization, symbolic discovery, world models, and ChatGPT for robotics.
Sample-efficient Multi-objective Molecular Optimization with GFlowNets: Feb. 8, 2023
Abstract: Many crucial scientific problems involve designing novel molecules with desired properties, which can be formulated as an expensive black-box optimization problem over the discrete chemical space. Computational methods have achieved initial success but still struggle with simultaneously optimizing multiple competing properties in a sample-efficient manner. In this work, we propose a multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO) algorithm leveraging the hypernetwork-based GFlowNets (HN-GFN) as an acquisition function optimizer, with the purpose of sampling a diverse batch of candidate molecular graphs from an approximate Pareto front. Using a single preference-conditioned hypernetwork, HN-GFN learns to explore various trade-offs between objectives. Inspired by reinforcement learning, we further propose a hindsight-like off-policy strategy to share high-performing molecules among different preferences in order to speed up learning for HN-GFN. Through synthetic experiments, we illustrate that HN-GFN has adequate capacity to generalize over preferences. Extensive experiments show that our framework outperforms the best baselines by a large margin in terms of hypervolume in various real-world MOBO settings.
Symbolic Discovery of Optimization Algorithms: Chen et al.; Feb. 13, 2023
Abstract: We present a method to formulate algorithm discovery as program search, and apply it to discover optimization algorithms for deep neural network training. We leverage efficient search techniques to explore an infinite and sparse program space. To bridge the large generalization gap between proxy and target tasks, we also introduce program selection and simplification strategies. Our method discovers a simple and effective optimization algorithm, Lion (EvoLved Sign Momentum). It is more memory-efficient than Adam as it only keeps track of the momentum. Different from adaptive optimizers, its update has the same magnitude for each parameter calculated through the sign operation. We compare Lion with widely used optimizers, such as Adam and Adafactor, for training a variety of models on different tasks. On image classification, Lion boosts the accuracy of ViT by up to 2% on ImageNet and saves up to 5x the pre-training compute on JFT. On vision-language contrastive learning, we achieve 88.3% zero-shot and 91.1% fine-tuning accuracy on ImageNet, surpassing the previous best results by 2% and 0.1%, respectively. On diffusion models, Lion outperforms Adam by achieving a better FID score and reducing the training compute by up to 2.3x. For autoregressive, masked language modeling, and fine-tuning, Lion exhibits a similar or better performance compared to Adam. Our analysis of Lion reveals that its performance gain grows with the training batch size. It also requires a smaller learning rate than Adam due to the larger norm of the update produced by the sign function. Additionally, we examine the limitations of Lion and identify scenarios where its improvements are small or not statistically significant. The implementation of Lion is publicly available.
Mastering Diverse Domains through World Models: Hafner et al.; Jan. 10, 2023
Abstract: General intelligence requires solving tasks across many domains. Current reinforcement learning algorithms carry this potential but are held back by the resources and knowledge required to tune them for new tasks. We present DreamerV3, a general and scalable algorithm based on world models that outperforms previous approaches across a wide range of domains with fixed hyperparameters. These domains include continuous and discrete actions, visual and low-dimensional inputs, 2D and 3D worlds, different data budgets, reward frequencies, and reward scales. We observe favorable scaling properties of DreamerV3, with larger models directly translating to higher data-efficiency and final performance. Applied out of the box, DreamerV3 is the first algorithm to collect diamonds in Minecraft from scratch without human data or curricula, a long-standing challenge in artificial intelligence. Our general algorithm makes reinforcement learning broadly applicable and allows scaling to hard decision-making problems.
ChatGPT for Robotics: Design Principles and Model Abilities: Vemprala et al.; Feb. 20, 2023
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study regarding the use of OpenAI’s ChatGPT for robotics applications. We outline a strategy that combines design principles for prompt engineering and the creation of a high-level function library which allows ChatGPT to adapt to different robotics tasks, simulators, and form factors. We focus our evaluations on the effectiveness of different prompt engineering techniques and dialog strategies towards the execution of various types of robotics tasks. We explore ChatGPT’s ability to use free-form dialog, parse XML tags, and to synthesize code, in addition to the use of task-specific prompting functions and closed-loop reasoning through dialogues. Our study encompasses a range of tasks within the robotics domain, from basic logical, geometrical, and mathematical reasoning all the way to complex domains such as aerial navigation, manipulation, and embodied agents.
We show that ChatGPT can be effective at solving several of such tasks, while allowing users to interact with it primarily via natural language instructions. In addition to these studies, we introduce an open-sourced research tool called PromptCraft, which contains a platform where researchers can collaboratively upload and vote on examples of good prompting schemes for robotics applications, as well as a sample robotics simulator with ChatGPT integration, making it easier for users to get started with using ChatGPT for robotics.
ML Drug Discovery TLDRs; This repo is a collaborative effort to TLDR; all the ML in Drug Discovery papers. This page is the HOWTO, you can find TLDRs here.
MultiDiffusion; Generate a panoramic image! This Space demonstrates MultiDiffusion Text2Panorama using Stable Diffusion model. To get started, either enter a prompt or pick one from the examples below. For details, please visit the project page. For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may duplicate the space and upgrade to GPU in settings.
Colab DB; Public notebooks hosted on Binder, Colab or Huggingface. Biology. Chemistry. Machine Learning.