Hello, friends
I apologize for dropping off the map so long. It started as me needing a break from posting due to many other life events taking place, then turned into a great deal of inertia preventing me from posting simply because I hadn’t posted in a while, and I was out of the habit of tracking down interesting papers to share with you all. I should have informed you all before it happened and I’m sorry I didn’t.
This will no longer be the case.
I’m reviving The Merge, specifically the Hot Topics in ML+Bio portion, and am committed to a year of posting a set of papers to share once a week.
Although I should not have stopped posting for as long as I did, many things happened in my life in the meantime. My wife and I bought a house and moved into it, we adopted a kitten and then a couple months later adopted a puppy. Of course, the holidays were crazy (as I’m sure they were for many of you). If you’re curious, read about my 2022 here.
That brings me to the next topic; I’ve started another Substack! The new one (for now called “Welcome to My Brain”, we’ll see if that name sticks) is my vessel for sharing a daily blog post about basically whatever is on my mind that day. If you’re curious, please give it a look, and, if you think you might like it, please subscribe. I really appreciate any support.
If you find this newsletter valuable, please subscribe if you haven’t already.
If you find it really valuable, please share it with your friends and colleagues so that they can subscribe as well.
If you find it really, really valuable, consider pledging a paid subscription. This doesn’t charge you unless I turn on paid subscriptions, which I won’t do unless at least somewhere around 50-100 people pledge. Of course, you’ll always be able to cancel if you change your mind. For more on how Substack pledges work, see this article.
Thank you for reading this. I’m looking forward to a year of finding and cataloguing interesting papers and sharing them with all of you. I’m sure, as we go through the year, many interesting topics and themes will emerge throughout machine learning, biology and their intersection. As always, if you have a paper you want featured, drop me an email at jfpettit@gmail.com. If you have feedback, drop a comment below or include it in an email.
PS - Keep an eye on your inbox at 10 AM EST tomorrow for the first Hot Topics post of the New Year!